Communication Committee


The Communications Committee provides and maintains tools to facilitate communication of relevant information within the Nuclear Criticality Safety community.



The NCSD Communications Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Maintains and updates the NCSD website.
  • Publishes newsletters with relevant information as practical.
  • Utilizes other tools to facilitate communication of relevant information to NCSD.


Composed of not fewer than four (4) members, including the Secretary, Program Committee Chair and the Division Chair. The Chair of the Communications Committee shall be appointed by the Division Chair for a term of up to four (4) years. Typically, this will be the senior member from the Executive Committee.

Deborah A. Hill

Deborah A. Hill


Ph: (+44) 1772 764359 email  



Provided are the designated leads for each communication tool utilized to distribute information to NCSD.

Communication Tools Lead Backup
Website Ning Zhang TBD
ANS Realmagnet Deb Hill

(Division Chair)

Kevin Reynolds

(Division Vice Chair)

Newsletters Tracey Henson

(Committee Chair)

ANS Collaborate John Miller Theresa Cutler
Social Media TBD – Social Media will be pursued as part of 5-year plan