ANS 2021 Summer Meeting
Virtual, June 14-16, 2021
Program Description
Sharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safety - Watch Recording
Organizer: Deborah A. Hill (NNL)
Chair: Deborah A. Hill (NNL)
Alternate Chair: James C. Bunsen
Fundamental to the successful operation of any nuclear site is a first-class safety culture that strives to continually improve in response to good industry practices and operating experience feedback. The first speaker will provide insight on some critical experiment accidents at Los Alamos in the 1940s, particularly with regards to how the lessons learned are equally applicable to nuclear criticality safety practices in the modern era. This will be followed by an informal panel discussion on other lessons learned over the past few decades, including an opportunity for audience questions.
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - I - Watch Recording
Organizer: Lon E. Paulson, Tracy Stover (SRNL), Deb Hill (NNL)
Chair: Lon E. Paulson
Alternate Chair: Tracy Stover (SRNL)
Reactivity Impact of Reprocessing Impurities on HALEU Feed Stock
Scott Martin (North Carolina State Univ.), Tracy Stover (SRNL)
Heterogeneous Reactivity Effects of Low-Enriched Uranium Systems
Lon E. Paulson (GE Hitachi/Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas), Qi Ao (Boston Government Services)
Assessment of Hafnium Nuclear Data for Criticality Safety Applications
Véronique Dumont (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Nicolas Leclaire (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Isabelle Duhamel (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), Luiz Leal (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
Incipient Reflux Mitigation: A Lesson Learned from Operations
Tracy Stover (SRNL), Brandon Eubanks (SRNL)
Time Dependent Neutron Multiplication Simulation in Aqueous Separations Upsets
Tracy Stover (SRNL)
Education in Criticality Evaluation and Reactor Physics - Watch Recording
Organizer: Pavel V. Tsvetkov (TAMU)
Chair: Pavel V. Tsvetkov (TAMU)
Alternate Chair: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski (LANL)
The field of nuclear criticality safety is vital for safe management of nuclear materials. The panelists will share their thoughts on the current and future efforts supporting nuclear criticality safety education in U.S. to meet the needs of national laboratories, industry, and academia.
NCS Qualification at Different Sites - Watch Recording
Organizer: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski (LANL)
Chair: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski (LANL)
Alternate Chair: Kermit A. Bunde (Idaho Operations Office, DOE)
One of the significant challenges of the NCS industry is providing a robust training and qualification program while negotiating an influx of new engineers. It is of great value to share how facilities approach this challenge all while meeting the requirements of ANS/ANSI 8.26. Panelists will discuss basic qualification, the transfer of knowledge from senior engineers, and qualification of engineers with past experience, but who are in need of individual site, facility, and process familiarity.
ANS 8 Standards Forum - Watch Recording
Organizer: Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Chair: Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Alternate Chair: Lon E. Paulson
Subcommittee ANS-8, Operations with Fissile Material Outside Reactors, meets to discuss various technical and administrative aspects of the approximately 20 national consensus standards under its purview. In addition to status and progress updates by representatives of individual working groups, formal presentations on the technical bases of numerical values such as subcritical limits and experiences with applications of particular standards are solicited.
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - II - Watch Recording
Organizer: Vladimir Sobes
Chair: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski
Alternate Chair: Benjamin Martin
Comparison of ISO and ANSI/ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Neutron Poisoning of Sodium Reactor Experiment Material for Disposition
Tracy Stover (SRNS), Jaclyn Fitzpatrick (SRNS), Sara Shirley (SRNS)
Sandia 7uPCX Critical Experiments Exploring the Effects of Fuel-to-Water Ratio Variations
David E. Ames (Sandia), Gary A. Harms (Sandia), Rafe D. Campbell (Sandia), Christina B. Hanson (Sandia)
Development of a Pulsed Slowing-Down-Time Benchmark of Neutron Thermalization in Graphite
E. Lee (North Carolina State Univ.), N. C. Fleming (North Carolina State Univ.), A. I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.)
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - III - Watch Recording
Organizer: Vladimir Sobes
Chair: Michael A. Fendler
Alternate Chair: Theresa E. Cutler
Discovery of AMPX Thermal Scattering Law Processing Issue for Solid Moderators
Alex Lang (ORNL), Alex Shaw (ORNL), Chris Chapman (ORNL), William Marshall (ORNL)
Reducing Direct Perturbation Uncertainty for High-Sensitivity Coefficients
T.M. Greene (ORNL), W.J. Marshall (ORNL), J.B. Clarity (ORNL)
Sensitivity Calculations for Systems with Polyethylene Reflector Materials Using CLUTCH
William Marshall (ORNL), Alex Lang (ORNL)
Uniformly Ordered Binary Decision Algorithm for Benchmark Experiment Correlations in Whisper Validation
Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Last modified November 13, 2024, 3:08pm CST