Approved By-Laws & Rules for the Nuclear Criticality Safety Division
Bylaws & Rules for the Nuclear Criticality Safety division (127 downloads)
Division Officers

Andrew Prichard
Contact via Email

Kristan Wessels
Contact via Email
Recent Meeting Minutes
Past Chairs
2023 - 2024: Tracy Stover
2022 - 2023: Katherine Norton
2021 - 2022: David G. Erickson
2020 - 2021: Lon E. Paulson
2019 - 2020: Catherine M. Percher
2018 - 2019: Kevin H. Reynolds
2017 - 2018: Deborah A. Hill
2016 - 2017: John A. Miller
2015 - 2016: Sedat Goluoglu
2014 - 2015: Jerry E. Hicks
2013 - 2014: Sandra L. Larson
2012 - 2013: Larry L. Wetzel
2011 - 2012: Douglas G. Bowen
2010 - 2011: Bradley T. Rearden
2009 - 2010: Robert L. Frost
2008 - 2009: David K. Hayes
2007 - 2008: Fitz Trumble
2006 - 2007: Kevin D. Kimball
2005 - 2006: Stephen M. Bowman
2004 - 2005: Christa B. Reed
2003 - 2004: James S. Baker
2002 - 2003: Michaele C. Brady-Raap
2001 - 2002: Robert E. Wilson
2000 - 2001: Jack S. Bullington
1999 - 2000: James S. Baker
1998 - 1999: N/A
1997 - 1998: Dennis A. Tollefson
1996 - 1997: Valerie L. Putman
1995 - 1996: Richard E. Anderson
1994 - 1995: Robert D. Busch
1993 - 1994: Donna M. D'Aquila
1992 - 1993: Richard E. Malenfant
1991 - 1992: Robert E. Wilson
1990 - 1991: Linda Capano Dolan
1989 - 1990: Richard A. Libby
1988 - 1989: Calvin M. Hopper
1987 - 1988: Adolf S. Garcia
1986 - 1987: Thomas P. McLaughlin
1985 - 1986: John G. Connelly, Jr.
1984 - 1985: Edward Walker
1983 - 1984: William R. Waltz
1982 - 1983: Fred G. Welfare
1981 - 1982: Elizabeth B. Johnson
1980 - 1981: Ronald A. Knief
1979 - 1980: Sidney R. Bierman
1978 - 1979: Donald L. Dunaway
1977 - 1978: John Graham
1976 - 1977: Robert L. Stevenson
1975 - 1976: David L. Hetrick
1974 - 1975: Francis M. Alcorn
1973 - 1974: C. Leslie Brown
1972 - 1973: Joseph T. Thomas
1971 - 1972: David R. Smith
1970 - 1971: Hugh K. Clark
Technical Group (NCSD)
1969 - 1970: E. Duane Clayton1968 - 1969: E. Duane Clayton
Executive Committee
Through 2025
Michael L. Zerkle
Naval Nuclear Laboratory, West Mifflin, PA
Ph: N/ALarry L. Wetzel
BWXT, Lynchburg, VA
Ph: N/AHannah P. Morbach
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: N/A
Through 2027
Shauntay Coleman
Ph: N/A
emailDallas Moser
Ph: N/A
emailAmy van der Vyver
Sellafield Ltd (UK)
Ph: N/A
Last modified February 11, 2025, 8:27am CST