ANS 2021 Winter Meeting
Washington, D.C., November 30-December 3, 2021
Program Description
Recent Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Technical Accomplishments
Organizer: Douglas G. Bowen
Chair: Angela Chambers
Alternate Chair: Marsha Henley
RPI LINAC Refurbishment and Upgrade Project
Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Peter Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Michael Bretti (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Brian Epping (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Timothy Trumbull (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Low-Energy Reactions of the n+233U Nuclear Compound System and its Initial Validation
Marco T. Pigni (ORNL), Roberto Capote (IAEA), Andrej Trkov (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Preliminary RAM-RODD Results for the MUSiC Subcritical Configurations
Robert A. Weldon Jr. (LANL), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Joetta M. Goda (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), William L. Myers (LANL), George E. McKenzie IV (LANL), Alexander T. McSpaden (LANL), Lauren A. Misurek (LANL), Rene G. Sanchez (LANL)
Design of Temperature-Dependent Critical Experiments with SPRF/CX
Justin B. Clarity (ORNL), Ryan C. Gallagher (ORNL), Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL), Christopher W. Chapman (ORNL)
Photo Doppler Velocimetry and Gamma/Neutron Yield Measurements of Godiva-IV Critical Assembly
Lucas Snyder (LLNL), Dan Bower (LLNL), Robert Buckles (Nevada National Security Site), David Fittinghoff (LLNL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Mark May (LLNL), Michael Pena (Nevada National Security Site), John Scorby (LLNL)
Review of Recent CSSG Activities
Organizer: David K. Hayes (LANL)
Chair: David K. Hayes (LANL)
Alternate Chair: Michaele C. Brady Raap
The Criticality Safety Support Group (CSSG) was formed in response to Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 97-2, Continuation of Criticality Safety at Defense Nuclear Facilities in the Department of Energy (DOE) Complex. The CSSG functions as the technical support group to the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) Manager, providing operational and technical expertise pertinent to the criticality safety needs of DOE missions. This expertise is relevant to integral experiments, nuclear data, analytical methods, training, and organizational structures supporting the development and execution of the NCSP. Additionally, the scope of CSSG activities also includes reviewing: ⢠Activities or conditions that have the potential for serious degradation of nuclear criticality safety at DOE facilities ⢠New nuclear facility designs where criticality is a credible hazard ⢠New or revised DOE orders, standards and guides related to criticality safety ⢠Contractor nuclear criticality safety programs at DOE facilities in support of DOE line management Although most CSSG Taskings and Responses are openly available, they are not often discussed in an open forum. This session will include an open discussion of recent CSSG activities to help the nuclear criticality safety community better understand the work and current issues around the DOE Complex.
Critical and Subcritical Experiments - I
Organizer: Jesson D. Hutchinson
Chair: George E. McKenzie
Alternate Chair: David E. Ames
Preliminary NoMAD Results of the MUSiC Experiments
Alexander McSpaden (LANL), Caiser Bravo (Univ. of Michigan), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Hadyn Kistle (LANL), George McKenzie (LANL), William Myers (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Robert Weldon (LANL)
Comparison of Neutron Multiplicity Counting Estimates with trans-Stilbene, EJ-309, and He-3 Detection Systems
F.B. Darby (Univ. of Michigan), J. D. Hutchinson (LANL), M. Y. Hua (Univ. of Michigan), R. A. Weldon (LANL), G.E. McKenzie (LANL), J. R. Lamproe (Univ. of Michigan), S. A. Pozzi (Univ. of Michigan)
Sensitivity Analysis of H2O Pulsed-Neutron Die-Away Experiments to the H-H2O Thermal Scattering Law
Daniel Siefman (LLNL), Catherine Percher (LLNL), David Heinrichs (LLNL)
Sensitivity-Based Experiment Design Optimization for a Molybdenum Critical Experiment
Cole Kostelac (LANL), Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL)
Impact of Spontaneous Fission Neutron Emission Energy on Neutron Detector Response
Jawad R. Moussa (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), George McKenzie (LANL)
Critical and Subcritical Experiments - II
Organizer: Jesson D. Hutchinson
Chair: Catherine M. Percher
Alternate Chair: Alexander T. McSpaden
Similarity of the PMM-2 Critical Experiments and Criticality Safety Cases Based on the keff Sensitivity Analysis
Mariya Brovchenko (IRSN), Nicolas Arphant (IRSN)
Investigation of Delayed Neutron Sensitivities for Several ICSBEP Benchmarks Using MCNP
J. Hutchinson (LANL), N. Kleedtke (LANL), J. Alwin (LANL), A. Clark (LANL), T. Cutler (LANL), W. Haeck (LANL), R. Little (LANL), D. Neudecker (LANL), M. Rising (LANL), T. Smith (LANL), N. Thompson (LANL)
Validation of Jezebel Reactivity Coefficients and Sensitivity Analysis
Theresa Cutler (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL), Michael Rising (LANL), Denise Neudecker (LANL), Bob Little (LANL), Nick Thompson (LANL)
Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction and Reactivity Coefficient Sensitivity-Based Similarity Metrics for New Experiment Design Optimization
N. Kleedtke (LANL), J. Hutchinson (LANL), I. Michaud (LANL), T. Grove (LANL)
A Verification of Flux Sensitivity Estimates Using the MCNP Tally Perturbation Tool
Juliann R. Lamproe (Univ. of Michigan), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Michael Y. Hua (Univ. of Michigan), Alexander R. Clark (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), Shaun D. Clarke (Univ. of Michigan), Sara A. Pozzi (Univ. of Michigan)
Critical and Subcritical Experiments - III
Organizer: Jesson D. Hutchinson
Chair: Vladimir Sobes
Alternate Chair: Theresa E. Cutler
Surface Ablation of Core Materials in Burst Reactors
Victoria E. Hagopian (Penn State Univ.), Geordie McKenzie (LANL), Leigh Winfrey (Penn State Univ.)
Godiva Experiments for the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP)
Joetta Goda (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL), David Hayes (LANL)
Space Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Critical Assembly Boron Worth Experiments
Elijah C. Lutz (Sandia), David E. Ames (Sandia)
The CURIE Experiment and Nuclear Data
Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL), Kelsey Amundson (LANL), Dave Hayes (LANL), Jeff Favorite (LANL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Robert Little (LANL), Geordie McKenzie (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Jessie Walker (LANL)
Rossi-alpha Analysis of CURIE Experiment
Caiser A. Bravo (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), George E. McKenzie (LANL), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), David K. Hayes (LANL), Travis J. Grove (LANL), Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), Rene G. Sanchez (LANL), Kelsey M. Amundson (LANL)
ANS-8 Standards Forum
Organizer: Douglas G. Bowen
Chair: Douglas G. Bowen
Alternate Chair: Kevin H. Reynolds
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - I
Organizer: Vladimir Sobes
Chair: Theresa E. Cutler
Alternate Chair: Tracy E. Stover
Making the Most of a Facility Visit
Rebecca Rice (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
The 2021 Edition of the ICSBEP Handbook
John D. Bess (INL), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Ian Hill (OECD NEA), Lori Scott (INL)
Sensitivity of a Response to Stoichiometry
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL)
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - II
Organizer: Vladimir Sobes
Chair: Vladimir Sobes
Alternate Chair: Michael A. Fendler
Fissile Discharge to Unfavorable Geometries: NCS Controls for a Calciner Off-Gas System
Frank J. Sweeney (Y-12 National Security Complex), Spencer P. Jordan (Y-12 National Security Complex), Christopher A. Belk (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Critical Parameters of Actinide Nuclides Computed Using ENDF/B-VI, VII.0, VII.1, and VIII.0 Cross Sections
Richard G. Taylor (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Validation of KENO Delayed Neutron Fraction Capabilities
Alex Shaw (ORNL), William Marshall (ORNL)
Bayesian Monte Carlo Evaluation Framework for Imperfect Nuclear Data
Jesse M. Brown (ORNL), Goran Arbanas (ORNL), Andrew Holcomb (ORNL), Dorothea Wiarda (ORNL)
Data, Analysis, and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety - III
Organizer: Vladimir Sobes
Chair: Vladimir Sobes
Alternate Chair: Benjamin Martin
Cumulative Ï2 Metric for VALID for ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 in SCALE 6.3b9
William Marshall (ORNL), Travis Greene (ORNL)
Testing of a New 103Rh Resolved Resonance Evaluation
Luiz Leal (IRSN), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Devin Barry (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Amanda Lewis (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), Peter Schillebeeckx (EC, JRC-Geel), Stefan Kopecky (EC, JRC-Geel), Cristian Mihailescu (SCK CEN)
FLASSH 1.0: Full Law Analysis Scattering System Hub
Nina C. Fleming (NC State Univ.), Cole A. Manring (NC State Univ.), Benjamin K. Laramee (NC State Univ.), Jonathan P.W. Crozier (NC State Univ.), Eunji Lee (NC State Univ.), Ayman I. Hawari (NC State Univ.)
Generation of the Thermal Scattering Law of Uranium Carbide Using Ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
J. P. W. Crozier (NC State Univ.), A. I. Hawari (NC State Univ.)
Last modified November 14, 2024, 9:10am CST