ANS 2022 Summer Meeting - NCSD Topical
Anaheim, CA, June 12-16, 2022
Program Description
Codes, Data, and Methods Lightning Talks
Organizer: Deborah A. Hill
Chair: Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Catherine M. Percher (LLNL)
Revision to SCALE Procedure for Verified, Archived Library of Inputs and Data (VALID)
T.M. Greene (ORNL), W.J. Marshall (ORNL)
Cyclone -- Monte Carlo Data Processing and Visualization
Stewart Hay (Cerberus Nuclear), Carl Hughes (Orthrus Software), Peter Taylor (Orthrus Software)
Verification of MCNP Critical Benchmark Model of U233-COMP-THERM-004
Riley Bulso (LANL), Jennifer L. Alwin (LANL), Robbie MacQuigg (LANL), Ray Sartor (LANL), Jennifer Arthur (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Kristina Y. Spencer (INL)
Knowledge Transfer - Education, Professional Development, and Training Lightning Talks
Organizer: Deborah A. Hill
Chair: Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Catherine M. Percher (LLNL)
Establishing the UK Working Party on Criticality Webinar Series to Support Continuing Professional Development
Amy van der Vyver (Sellafield), Emma Williams (National Nuclear Laboratory)
Critical Thinking: A Criticality Safety Practitioner's Introduction to Benchmark Experiments
Alfie O'Neill (National Nuclear Laboratory), Deborah Hill (National Nuclear Laboratory)
Innovative Technologies and Thinking
Organizer: Douglas G. Bowen
Chair: Nicolas Thompson (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson
Application of Neural Networks on the Modelling of Critical Curves
Thomas Eisenstecken (GRS), Fabian Sommer (GRS)
Development of an Artificial Neutral Network for Rapid Post-Closure Reactivity Analysis
J.B. Clarity (PNNL), L.P. Miller (PNNL), K. Banerjee (PNNL), G.G. Davidson (ORNL)
Reactivity Coefficient Measurements and Sensitivity Studies
Theresa Cutler (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Denise Neudecker (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Alexander R. Clark (LANL), Michael Rising (LANL)
Investigating Fission Reaction Rate Ratio Sensitivities
Jennifer Alwin (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL), Alexander Clark (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Robert Little (LANL), Denise Neudecker (LANL), Michael Rising (LANL), Travis Smith (LANL), Nicholas Thompson (LANL)
Codes, Data, and Methods: I
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: Luiz C. Leal (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire) , Christopher M. Perfetti (UNM)
Impact of Missing Resonance Levels on Benchmark Calculations
Luiz Leal (IRSN), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Vaibhav Jaiswal (IRSN)
Conversion of Resonance Parameters Between Wigner-Eisenbud R-Matrix and Transition Matrix Pole Representations
Matthew J. Lazaric (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Mark W. Paris (LANL), Pablo Ducru (MIT)
Development of Thermal Scattering Law for Hydrogen Fluoride for Criticality Safety Applications
Vaibhav Jaiswal (IRSN), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Edwin Javier Cordova Uvidia (IRSN), Aurelie Bardelay (IRSN), Kemal Ramic (European Synchrotron Source ERIC)
Thermal Neutron Scattering Law for Beryllium Hydride and Critical Mass Calculations
M.L. Zerkle (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J.L. Wormald (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J.C. Holmes (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safety: I
Organizer: Kermit A. Bunde
Chair: Deborah A. Hill (NNL (UK)), Benjamin Martin (Y-12)
The First ICNC
Richard (Dick) Malenfant (LANL (Ret.))
Presented by David K. Hayes (LANL)
A Critique of Historical Criticality Accidents Through the Lens of Behavioral Economics
Brittany Williamson (Spectra Tech/SRNS)
Lessons Learned from a Site-Wide Container Improvement Initiative
Dallas Moser (Y-12 National Security Complex), Joshua Schwartz (Y-12 National Security Complex), Chris Haught (Y-12 National Security Complex)
A Comparison of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Uranium Metal-Water Systems Using Calculated and Experimental Critical Data
Rachel Bruenderman (Y-12 National Security Complex), Dallas Moser (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Fuel Storage, Transportation and Disposal: I
Organizer: Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL)
Chair: Liam Payne, Konner Casanova (INL)
Postclosure Transient Criticality Analysis for a Dual-Purpose Canister
Alex Salazar III (Sandia)
Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analysis for High Density Spent Fuel Storage Using a Unified Bayesian Validation Methodology
Axel Hoefer (Framatome ), Harald Feldmann (Framatome ), Stefan Glaubrecht (Framatome )
The Use of Burnup Credit for Demonstrating Post-Closure Criticality Safety of UK Spent Fuel
Liam Payne (Nuclear Waste Services), Tamara D. Baldwin (Galson Sciences), Timothy W. Hicks (Galson Sciences), Robert M. Mason (Jacobs)
Validation of UNF-ST&DARDS As-Loaded Criticality Calculations
J.B. Clarity (PNNL), K. Banerjee (PNNL), L.P. Miller (PNNL), A.M. Shaw (ORNL), W. J. Marshall (ORNL)
Operational Practices
Organizer: Kevin H. Reynolds
Chair: Leah Berman (LANL), Dallas Moser (Y-12)
Domestic and International Standards for Nuclear Criticality Safety -- Overview and Status
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Y-12 Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Health Model: Development, Use and Benefits
Paul F. Gubanc (Amentum Technical Services), Michael J. Crouse (Consolidated Nuclear Security)
Triennial Assessments Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory
James J. Kuropatwinski (LANL), Hannah Morbach (LANL)
Presented by Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Detection of a Slow Kinetic Criticality Accident by the Radiation Protection Monitoring System
Olivier Ravat (Orano Melox)
The CAAS-3S Next-Generation Criticality Accident Alarm System
S. Philips (Mirion Technologies), J. Kirkpatrick (Mirion Technologies), J. Lagana (Mirion Technologies), M. Detriche (Mirion Technologies), A. Gallozzi Ulmann (Mirion Technologies), N. Houfflain (Mirion Technologies)
Codes, Data, and Methods: II
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: William J. Marshall (ORNL), Jennifer L. Alwin
Expansion of the ORNL VALID Library
W.J. Marshall (ORNL), M.N. Dupont (ORNL), T.M. Greene (ORNL), A. Lang (ORNL), A.M. Shaw (ORNL), J.B. Clarity (PNNL), E.M. Saylor (ORNL)
A Comparison of Sensitivity/Uncertainty-Based Upper Subcritical Limit Estimates
Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Robert D. Busch (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Shawn J. Henderson (Sandia), John A. Miller (Sandia)
Sensitivity/Uncertainty Comparison Study Involving IRSN, LANL, and ORNL Tools to Support Validation
Jennifer Alwin (LANL), Robert Little (LANL), Robbie Macquigg (LANL), Michael Rising (LANL), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Frederic Fernex (IRSN), Luiz Leal (IRSN), Ellen Saylor (ORNL), Justin Clarity (ORNL), B.J. Marshall (ORNL), Kristina Spencer (INL)
A New IRSN Tool for Nuclear Data Bias Assessment: MACSENS V3.0 GLLSM Module
Frederic Fernex (IRSN)
Presented by Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN)
Experiments and Benchmarks: I
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: David K. Hayes, Michael L. Zerkle (BAPL)
Experimental Steps Toward a Density Law for Chlorine-Crediting Criticality Models of Aqueous Plutonium Solutions
Kelly E. Aldrich (LANL), Dung M. Vu (LANL), Kimberly M. Bonilla (LANL), Justin N. Cross (LANL), Stephen P. Willson (LANL), Jennifer Alwin (LANL), David Kimball (LANL), James Bunsen (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Laura Worl (LANL), Riley Bulso (LANL), Alicia Salazar-Crockett (LANL)
The CWS Experiments -- An Experimental Study of the Effects of Chlorine on Thermal Neutron Absorption
Theresa Cutler (LANL), Kelsey Amundson (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Noah Kleedtke (LANL), Nicholas Wynne (LANL)
Integral Experiments at Sandia with Molybdenum Sleeves for Testing 95Mo Cross Sections in a Thermal Energy Spectrum
Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN)
Experiments to Measure the Inversion Point of the Isothermal Reactivity Coefficient in a Water-Moderated Pin-Fueled Critical Assembly at Sandia
Gary A. Harms (Sandia), David E. Ames (Sandia)
CERBERUS Integral Experiment Design
Kelsey Amundson (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Nicholas Thompson (LANL)
Criticality Control of HALEU for Commercial LWRs
Organizer: Dale B. Lancaster
Chair: Dale B. Lancaster, Olivier Ravat (Orano Melox)
UF6 Cylinder Handling, Storage, and Transport at 8% Enrichment
James Banfield (Global Nuclear Fuel), Lon Paulson (Global Nuclear Fuel), Qi Ao (Boston Government Services)
Recent Assessments of Existing Transportation Packages for Use with HALEU Material
W.J. Marshall (ORNL), A. Lang (ORNL), E.M. Saylor (ORNL), R.A. Hall (EPRI)
Criticality Safety Implications of Extended-Enrichment and Accident-Tolerant Fuel for Fresh Fuel Storage
A.M. Shaw (ORNL), J.B. Clarity (ORNL)
Burnup Credit for PWR Spent Fuel Pools with High Enriched/High Burnup Fuel
Dale Lancaster (, Charles T. Rombough (CTR Technical Services)
Codes, Data, and Methods: III
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: John D. Bess (JFA), Coralie Carmouze
CRISTALV2: Improvements Overview of the CRISTALV2.0.3 Criticality Calculation Package
Arnaud Entringer (IRSN), Aurélie Bardelay (IRSN), Sébastien Lahaye (CEA), Jean-Christophe Trama (CEA), Odile Petit (CEA), Coralie Carmouze (CEA)
Presented by Arthur Peron (IRSN)
LATEC, the CRISTAL Package Workbench for Integrated Criticality Modeling
Arthur Peron (IRSN), Frédéric Fernex (IRSN), Grégory Millasseau (IRSN), Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), Aurélie Bardelay (IRSN), Yann Richet (IRSN)
GRS Handbook on Criticality -- New English Publication in 2022
Fabian Sommer (GRS)
Creation of the VADER Code in SCALE
Shane W.D. Hart (ORNL), Justin B. Clarity (PNNL)
The Criticality Safety Validation Package at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Pauli Juutilainen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), Ville Valtavirta (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Knowledge Transfer - Education, Professional Development, and Training
Organizer: John D. Bess
Chair: Amber J. McCarthy, Kirk D. Atkinson (UIOT)
A Subcritical Assembly for Training and Education Use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL), Mathieu Dupont (ORNL), Alex Lang (ORNL), Andrew Holcomb (ORNL), Shane Hart (ORNL)
CARTA -- Criticality Safety Virtual Reality Training Aid, Recent Developments
Tom Page (Cerberus Nuclear), Katrina Christaki (Cerberus Nuclear), Stewart Hay (Cerberus Nuclear), Toby Tyas (Cerberus Nuclear)
Hiring, Qualification, and Retention of NCS Engineers at DOE Facilities
Kristan Wessels (Y-12 National Security Complex), Amanda Hurley (Y-12 National Security Complex)
The University of New Mexico's Online Nuclear Criticality Safety Course Material
Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico)
Current Status of the DOE/NNSA Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Hands-On Criticality Safety Training Courses
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safety: II
Organizer: Kermit A. Bunde (DOE-ID)
Chair: Kermit A. Bunde (DOE-ID), Shauntay Coleman (LLNL)
Update of the Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule: Review of the Estimation of the Number of Fissions
Matthieu Duluc (IRSN), Johann Herth (IRSN), Tristan Adatte (IRSN), David P. Heinrichs (LLNL), Soon Kim (LLNL), Doug Bowen (ORNL), Cihangir Celik (ORNL), Mathieu Dupont (ORNL)
Update of the Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule Calculations: Plutonium Systems â Delayed Fission Gamma
Johann Herth (IRSN), Matthieu Duluc (IRSN), Tristan Adatte (IRSN), Dave Heinrichs (LLNL), Soon Kim (LLNL), Doug Bowen (ORNL), Cihangir Celik (ORNL), Mathieu Dupont (ORNL)
CAAS Replacement in Enduring Facilities
Timothy Jackson (Y-12 National Security Complex), James Yugo (Y-12 National Security Complex), Jeff Goodman (Y-12 National Security Complex), Chris Haught (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Pressurized Gases as Neutron Reflectors
Trevor Stewart (LANL), Ning Zhang (LANL)
International Perspectives on Post-Closer Criticality Safety Analysis
Organizer: Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL)
Chair: Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL), Justin B. Clarity (PNNL)
In this panel session, each panelist will discuss their country-specific approach to post-closure criticality safety in view of the final geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. The discussion will include and reflect key topics presently being considered by the new international, waste management organization (WMO)-level collaboration initiative on post-closure criticality safety under the IGD-TP framework ( Each speaker will give a 10-minute summary with a Q&A afterwards.
Operational Practices and D&D
Organizer: John A. Miller
Chair: Theresa Cutler (LANL), Alfie O'Neill
Modeling Techniques for Raschig Rings
Larry L. Wetzel (BWXT)
Hand Calculations for Nuclear Criticality Safety -- Primer Revision
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL), Robert D. Busch (CS Engineering), Tristan Lotivio (Boston Government Services)
UP1 Reprocessing Plant -- Dismantling of Safe Geometry Vessels with Cadmium-Bitumen Screens -- Criticality Safety Issues
Laurent Cholvy (CEA), Laurent Athenour (CEA), Cyril Chave (CEA)
Characterization and Evacuation of Historical Irradiated Fuels
Clement Lopez (CEA), Fleur Lespinasse (CEA), Maxime Wijayalath (CEA), Vincent Roux (CEA)
Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal: II
Organizer: John D. Bess
Chair: Matthieu Duluc, Alex Salazar (SNL)
The Use of Multiple Water Barriers for Demonstrating Transport Criticality Safety of UK Spent Fuel for Disposal
Liam Payne (Nuclear Waste Services), Timothy W. Hicks (Galson Sciences), Robert M. Mason (Jacobs)
Post-Closure Canister Degradation Scenarios in Deep Geological Disposal: Preliminary Definition and Evaluation of Potential Impact on Reactivity
Nikitas Diomidis (Nagra), Susanne Pudollek (Nagra), Madalina Wittel (Nagra), Matthias Frankl (Paul Scherrer Institute), Alexander Vasiliev (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Analysis of Cementitious Fillers and Basket Modification Hardware for Post-Closure Criticality Mitigation
J.B. Clarity (PNNL), K. Banerjee (PNNL), L.P. Miller (PNNL)
Criticality Safety Assessment of Transport and Storage of Dross
Ju-Yuan Yeh (INL), Paul Sentieri (INL), Sean Cunningham (INL)
Experiments and Benchmarks: II
Organizer: Nicholas Thompson (LANL)
Chair: Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Kelsey Amundson
Updated Godiva-IV Benchmark Preview
Jeffrey A. Favorite (LANL), Joetta Goda (LANL), Travis Smith (LANL)
CAAS-3S Radiation Testing for Y-12 and UPF with Godiva-IV
Timothy Jackson (Y-12 National Security Complex), James Yugo (Y-12 National Security Complex), Sedat Goluoglu (Y-12 National Security Complex), Kevin Reynolds (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Estimating βeff from Static, Late-Time Feynman Neutron Noise Measurements
Michael Y. Hua (Univ. Michigan), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL)
Equivalent Fundamental-Mode Source Simulations for Spherical Uranium and Plutonium Systems
J. Hutchinson (LANL), A.R. Clark (LANL), N. Kleedtke (LANL), M.E. Rising (LANL), R. Sanchez (LANL), R. Weldon (LANL)
Distribution of Neutrons in a Cold Lucite Moderator
Rene Sanchez (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL)
Codes, Data, and Methods: IV
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: Mark Neeley (PNNL), David P. Heinrichs (LLNL)
Applicability of ORCEF UF4/CF2 Experiments to Validation of 30-Inch UF6 Cylinders
W.J. Marshall (ORNL), T.M. Greene (ORNL)
Plutonium Mass Equivalencies for Fissile Isotopes of Am, Cf, and Cm
Mark Neeley (PNNL)
Analysis of SCALE Criticality and Sensitivity Calculations for Reflected HEU Cylinders
A.M. Shaw (ORNL), W.J. Marshall (ORNL)
Correlation Calculations for the Russian Pu Metal Fast Experiments
Michael Branco-Katcher (LLNL), Daniel Siefman (LLNL), Catherine Percher (LLNL), David Heinrichs (LLNL), Todd S. Palmer (Oregon State)
Sensitivity Coefficients Calculated for the Prompt Neutron Decay Constant at or near Delayed Critical
N. Kleedtke (LANL), J. Hutchinson (LANL), M. Hua (LANL), M. Rising (LANL)
Experiments and Benchmarks: III
Organizer: Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN)
Chair: Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN), David E. Ames (SNL)
The OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety: Recent Outcome, Work in Progress and Outlook
Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Alexander Vasiliev (PSI), Dimitri Rochman (PSI), John Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Forrest Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Coralie Carmouze (CEA), Isabelle Duhamel (IRSN), Raphaelle Ichou (IRSN), Sonny Gan (Sellafield), Anthony R. Wilson (Sellafield), Alex Hoefer (Framatome ), Germina Ilas (ORNL), Will Wieselquist (ORNL), George McKenzie (LANL), Catherine Percher (LLNL), Maik Stuke (BGZ), Andrea Zoia (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
Developing a High-Fidelity Benchmark of the University of New Mexicoâs AGN-201M Reactor
Rowdy Davis (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Robert D. Busch (Univ. New Mexico), Carl Willis (Univ. New Mexico), Larry L. Wetzel (LL Wetzel), Shawn J. Henderson (Sandia )
New Integral Benchmark Data in the ICSBEP and IRPhEP Handbooks Since NCSD 2017
John D. Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Ian Hill (OECD NEA), Lori Scott (INL)
Evaluation of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health Physics Research Reactor Operation Data for Critical Benchmark Creation
Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL)
New Pulsed Neutron Die-Away Experiments in Light Water
D. Siefman (LLNL), W. Zywiec (LLNL), C. Percher (LLNL), D. Heinrichs (LLNL)
Codes, Data, and Methods: V
Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler
Chair: Michael E. Rising (LANL), Rae Bruenderman (Y-12)
Impact of Increased Latent Generations on Sensitivity Calculations with SCALE
T.M. Greene (ORNL), W.J. Marshall (ORNL), J.B. Clarity (ORNL)
Performance of the Initial Implementation of the Shift Monte Carlo Code in SCALE 6.3
W.J. Marshall (ORNL), T.M. Greene (ORNL)
Generating Adjoint-Based Importance Maps in MCNP
Daniel H. Timmons (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Michael E. Rising (LANL)
Comparison Study of the Baseline USL Calculation Methods for Loosely-Coupled and Novel Neutronic Systems
Bobbi Riedel (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. New Mexico)
Multigroup Examination for Nickel-Reflected HEU System
Alexander Lang (ORNL), B.J. Marshall (ORNL)
Last modified November 14, 2024, 10:27am CST