ANS 2020 Summer Meeting
Phoenix, AZ ⢠June 7-11, 2020
Virtual Meeting ⢠June 8-11, 2020
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâI
Session Organizer: Vladimir Sobes (U.T., Knoxville) Chair: John Bess (INL), William Cook (SANDIA)
- NCS Design and Evaluation of New High-density Storage Containers, Amber McCarthy(Consolidated Nuclear Security) (103 downloads)
- ANSI/ANS-8.7 Applications for the Storage of Criticality Control Overpacks, Brittany M. Williamson (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions) (103 downloads)
- A Parametric Study of Uranium Sensitivity in an Aqueous Separations Simulation, Camden Blake (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC) (98 downloads)
Sharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâPanel
Session Organizer: Deborah Ann Hill (National Nuclear Lab) Chair: Deborah Ann Hill (National Nuclear Lab), Ellen Saylor (ORNL)
Fundamental to the successful operation of any nuclear site is a first class safety culture whichstrives to continually improve in response to good industry practices and operating experience feedback. Speakers will provide examples of either specific good practices and/or lessons learned at their site, following which an audience discussion will be initiated on alternative good practices and experiences in these areas.
Deborah Hill (110 downloads)
Douglas G. Bowen (105 downloads)
John D. Bess (108 downloads)
T.C. Lovelace (102 downloads)
Balancing Competition and National Needs in the Medical Isotopes MarketâPanel
Session Organizer: Joseph A. Christensen (SHINE Medical Technologies) Chair: Katherin Goluoglu (C.S. Engineering, Inc.), Brendon Little
This session addresses the growing field of medical isotope production and the implications for criticality safety. The field involves a number of emerging techniques and technologies which produce criticality safety challenges, INCLUDING handling high-assay low-enriched uranium in known or new chemical compositions. These challenges create opportunities for advancements in criticality safety techniques and demonstrate a continuing need for nuclear data. This panel is designed to highlight challenges, advancements, and current or future needs in the field of criticality safety for medical isotope production facilities.
Panelists TBD
New Developments in Shipping Packages Related to Criticality SafetyâPanel
Session Organizer: Marvin H. Barnett (SRNL) Chair: Douglas Bowen (ORNL), Marvin H. Barnett (SRNL)
Over the last decade(s) there have been many new Type A and Type B shipping packages designs and new allowed fissile contents. Both ANSI/ANS Standards and the Code of Federal Regulations require an evaluation of criticality safety for each combination of shipping package configuration and content. The purpose of this session is to provide a discussion of the unique challenges and requirements for criticality safety during both transport and storage of shipping packages.
Doug Bowen (100 downloads)
Lon Paulson (103 downloads)
Steven J. Nathan (101 downloads)
Marcus D. Harris (99 downloads)
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâII
Session Organizer: Vladimir Sobes (U.T., Knoxville) Chair: William Cook (SANDIA)
- Impact of Increased Enrichment on Nuclear Analysis Accuracy Due to Cross-Section Uncertainties, Dale Lancaster (, Charles T. Rombough (CTR Technical Services, Inc.), Fred H. Smith (EPRI)
- Application of Bootstrap Method to Estimated Criticality Lower-Limit Multiplication Factor Considering Nuclear Data-Induced Uncertainty, Takuto Hayashi, Tomohiro Endo, Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.) (105 downloads)
- Implementation of Whisper-based Validation at the Hanford Tank Farms, Alyssa Kersting (Washington River Protection Solutions) (97 downloads)
- Design of a Critical Experiment to Validate Yttrium Hydride at Varying Temperatures, T. Cutler, T. Grove, K. Amundson, H. Trellue (LANL) (96 downloads)
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâIII
Session Organizer: Vladimir Sobes (U.T., Knoxville) Chair: Kristin Smith (Texas A&M), Travis Greene (ORNL)
- Description and Use of SCALE Sampler Parametric Capability for Engineering Analysis and Optimization, W. J. Marshall, T. M. Greene, B. D. Brickner, R. A. Hall (ORNL) (102 downloads)
- Performing keff Validation of As-Loaded Criticality Safety Calculations Using UNF-ST&DARDS: Applicable Experiment Selection, W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, K. Banerjee (ORNL) (98 downloads)
- Performing keff Validation of As-Loaded Criticality Safety Calculations Using UNF-ST&DARDS: Sensitivity Calculations, W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, K. Banerjee (ORNL) (96 downloads)
- Criticality Safety Analysis of Fresh Fuel Storage of Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, Shaikha A. AlShamsi, Batool M. Madani, Walid A. Metwally (Univ. of Sharjah) (99 downloads)
Program Description
Session Title: âANS-8 Standards ForumâSession Type: Discussion
Session Organizer: Doug Bowen (ORNL)
Summary: Subcommittee ANS-8, Operations with Fissile Material Outside Reactors, meets to discuss various technical and administrative aspects of the approximately 20 national consensus standards under its purview. In addition to status and progress updates by representatives of individual working groups, formal presentations on the technical bases of numerical values such as subcritical limits and experiences with applications of particular standards are solicited. Agenda topics such as new and expanded standards are also encouraged.
Session Title: âSharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safetyâ
Session Type: Panel
Session Organizer: Deb Hill (NNL)
Fundamental to the successful operation of any nuclear site is a first class safety culture which strives to
continually improve in response to good industry practices and operating experience feedback. Speakers will provide examples of either specific good practices and/or lessons learned at their site, following which an audience discussion will be initiated on alternative good practices and experiences in these areas.
Session Title: âNew Developments in Shipping Packages Related to Criticality Safetyâ
Session Type: Panel
Session Organizer: Marvin Barnett (SRS), Doug Bowen (ORNL), Lon Paulson (GEH), Andrew Prichard (PNNL)
Summary: Over the last decade(s) there have been many new Type A and Type B shipping packages designs and new allowed fissile contents. Both ANSI/ANS Standards and the Code of Federal Regulations require an evaluation of criticality safety for each combination of shipping package configuration and content. The purpose of this session is to provide a discussion of the unique challenges and requirements for criticality safety during both transport and storage of shipping packages.
Session Title: âBalancing Competition and National Needs in the Medical Isotopes Marketâ
Session Type: Panel
Session Organizer: Joe Christensen (SHINE), Katherin Goluoglu (Isotek)
Summary: This session addresses the growing field of medical isotope production and the implications for criticality safety. The field involves a number of emerging techniques and technologies which produce criticality safety challenges, INCLUDING handling high-assay low-enriched uranium in known or new chemical compositions. These challenges create opportunities for advancements in criticality safety techniques and demonstrate a continuing need for nuclear data. This panel is designed to highlight challenges, advancements, and current or future needs in the field of criticality safety for medical isotope production facilities.
Session Title: âReview of Recent CSSG Activitiesâ
Session Type: Panel
Session Organizer: David Hayes (LANL)
Summary: The Criticality Safety Support Group (CSSG) was formed in response to Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 97-2, Continuation of Criticality Safety at Defense Nuclear Facilities in the Department of Energy (DOE) Complex. The CSSG functions as the technical support group to the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) Manager, providing operational and technical expertise pertinent to the criticality safety needs of DOE missions. This expertise is relevant to integral experiments, nuclear data, analytical methods, training, and organizational structures supporting the development and execution of the NCSP. Additionally, the scope of CSSG activities also includes reviewing:
⢠Activities or conditions that have the potential for serious degradation of nuclear criticality safety at DOE facilities
⢠New nuclear facility designs where criticality is a credible hazard
⢠New or revised DOE orders, standards and guides related to criticality safety
⢠Contractor nuclear criticality safety programs at DOE facilities in support of DOE line management
While most CSSG Taskings and Responses are openly available, they are not often discussed in an open forum. This session will include an open discussion of recent CSSG activities to help the nuclear criticality safety community better understand the work and current issues around the DOE Complex.
Session Title: âData, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safetyâ
Session Type: Contributed Papers
Summary: The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for timely presentation of general issues in the area of nuclear criticality safety that are not covered in other special session topics.
Last modified April 23, 2024, 1:20pm CDT