ANS 2019 Summer Meeting
Minneapolis, MN⢠June 9-13, 2019
Rejuvenate Nuclear Technology Infrastructure and FacilitiesâPanel, Mon. pmSession Organizers and Cochairs: Dustin Miller (Chase), Kevin H. Reynolds (Y-12)
There is an urgent need to rejuvenate and build the infrastructure, facilities, and skilled associated scientific staff involved in the research, testing, development, and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies. Maintaining this national testbed is critical to support vibrant commercial nuclear businesses. This panel will include speakers from government and private industry to speak to efforts ongoing in the United States that are attempting to address rejuvenation of infrastructure and facilities in the nuclear industry.
Panelists: David Kupferer (CNS) (169 downloads) , William R. Lonergan (CNS) (176 downloads) , Chris Crefeld (Westinghouse) (184 downloads) , Marilyn Kray (Exelon), Lou Martinez (Kairos Power) (178 downloads)
Credible Accident Sequences in NCSâPanel, Tues am
Session Organizer: Lon E. Paulson (GE Hitachi)
Chair: Thomas P. McLaughlin (LANL, ret.)
The purpose of this panel session is to provide practical examples of the determination of âcredibleâ nuclear criticality accident sequences with fissionable materials in operations outside reactors. Panel to include NRC licensees, DOE facilities, or international fissionable material operations perspectives. A revisit of what constitutes a âcredibleâ criticality accident sequence under current regulatory framework can improve facility operations, eliminate unnecessary controls, and permit focused attention on those that remain. Panelists should present and emphasize what constitutes a âcredibleâ abnormal condition leading to a postulated nuclear criticality accident sequence or, alternatively, present what constitutes a ânot credibleâ determination for a postulated criticality accident sequence. Practical applications may include existing fissionable material operations, storage, natural phenomena hazards (NPH), facilities undergoing decommissioning, new facilities under design and construction, CAAS system needs evaluation, or other. Credibility comes down to a shared belief between the analyst, the operator, and perhaps the regulator that there are enough barriers to assure ourselves that the credible [believable] scenarios have been prevented and enough controls and barriers are in place such that we render the sequence âhighly unlikely.â
Panelists: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski (LANL) (175 downloads) , David Erickson (SRNS) (174 downloads) , Jerry Hicks (DOE, retired) (164 downloads) , Deb Hill (NNL) (172 downloads) , Brandon OâDonnell (BWXT), Lon Paulson (GE Hitachi) (166 downloads) , Randy Shackelford (NFS) (179 downloads)
Real World Applications of Sensitivity/Uncertainty, Tues. pm
Session Organizer and Chair: Jennifer L. Alwin (LANL)
- Whisper Sensitivity Study of the NMIS ATR Fuel Storage Racks, K. M. Casanova (INL) (185 downloads)
- Investigating Region-Wise Sensitivities for Nuclear Criticality Safety Validation, Bobbi Merryman (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest Brown (Univ. New Mexico, LANL), Jennifer Alwin, Christopher M. Perfetti (LANL) (158 downloads)
- Preliminary TSUNAMI Assessment of the Impact of Accident Tolerant Fuel Concepts on Reactor Physics Validation, W. J. Marshall, J. Yang, U. Mertyurek, M. A. Jessee (ORNL) (155 downloads)
- A Method for Performing keff Validation of As-Loaded Criticality Safety Calculations Using UNF-ST&DARDS, Justin B. Clarity, William J. Marshall, Kaushik Banerjee, John M. Scaglione (ORNL) (162 downloads)
Operational Reviews: How Facilities Meet ANSI/ANS-8.1 Section 4.1.6âPanel, Wed. am
Session Organizer: Kristan M. Wessels (Y-12)
Chair: Amber J. McCarthy (Y-12)
This session addresses the different methods facilities use to perform their annual review of fissile operations required by ANSI/ANS-8.1 Section 4.1.6. Speakers will discuss topics including (but not limited to) which personnel participate in the operational reviews, the methods used to document the reviews, and how it is ensured that process drift is not occurring. Lessons learned and good practices associated with operational reviews will be discussed.
Panelists: Mandy Bowles Tomaszewski (LANL) (177 downloads) , David Erickson (SRS) (158 downloads) , Tom Young (Y-12) (157 downloads) , Nick Brown (BWXT) (181 downloads)
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâI, Mon. pm
Session Organizer: Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Chair: William McKinley Cook (SNL)
- Excluding Benchmark Statistical Outliers in Nuclear Criticality Safety Validation, Jennifer Alwin, Forrest Brown (LANL) (163 downloads)
- Initial Investigations of the Criticality Safety Validation Basis for HA-LEU Transportation, B. T. Rearden, W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, A. M. Holcomb, F. Bostelmann, J. M. Scaglione (ORNL) (175 downloads)
- Minimum Accident of Concern for Uranyl Sulfate Solutions, Joseph Christensen (SHINE Medical Technol.), R. A. Borelli (Center Advanced Energy Studies), Charles S. Henkel, Brian Matthews (Nucl. Safety & Technol. Services) (156 downloads)
- Performance of Nano-Fluids as Coolants/Moderator in APR1400 âNeutronics Case Study, Fatima I. Alhamadi, Rana Sadek, Amal Abdalla, Ahmed Ababneh, Zafar Said, Bassam A. Khuwaileh (Univ. Sharjah)
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâII, Wed. pm
Session Organizer: Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Chair: Hailey M. Green (Y-12)
- The Effect of Phase Disengagement on Criticality Safety Calculations for Aqueous Separations, Tracy Stover (Savannah River Solutions) (174 downloads)
- On the Use of Nature of Process Arguments, Tracy Stover, John Lint, Joshua Butler, Jaclyn Fitzpatrick (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions), Tara Smith, Kevin McCann (SRNL), Brett Clinton, Brittany Williamson (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions) (173 downloads)
- Carbon Reactivity Effect with Fissile Mass and Hydrogenous Moderation Control, Brandon M. OâDonnell (BWXT)
- Mission Change from Enrichment to Deactivation Impact on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Tom Hines (PPPO), Matthew Wilson (Paschal Solutions), John Justice (Enercon), David Little (Fluor-BWXT), Brandon Little (Value Added Solutions) (173 downloads)
Data, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâIII, Thurs. am
Session Organizer: Theresa E. Cutler (LANL)
Chair: Tom Young (DOE)
- Criticality Evaluation of SMART Fuel Storage with MCNP6, Sungwook Choi, Bon-Seung Koo (KAERI)
- User Experiences with ICSBEP Distributed Sensitivity Data Profiles with the SCALE Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methods as of Winter 2019, Justin B. Clarity, William J. Marshall, Ellen M. Saylor (ORNL) (158 downloads)
- Validation of keff Calculations for Extended BWR Burnup Credit Calculations, W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity, S. M. Bowman (ORNL) (159 downloads)
Sharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality SafetyâPanel, Thurs. am
Session Organizer and Chair: Deborah Ann Hill (NNL)
Fundamental to the successful operation of any nuclear site is a first-class safety culture that strives to continually improve in response to good industry practices and operating experience feedback. Speakers will provide examples of either lessons learned and/or specific good practices in their areas, following which an audience discussion will be initiated on alternative good practices and related experiences.
Panelists: John Miller (SNL), Andrew Prichard (PNNL) (173 downloads) , Jennifer Alwin (LANL) (163 downloads) , Forrest Brown (LANL) (152 downloads) , Amber McCarthy (CNS) (155 downloads)
Program Description
Session Title: âRejuvenate Nuclear Technology Infrastructure and Facilitiesâ
Session Type: Panel
Time Slot: Mon PM (1:00-3:35)
Co-Sponsor: DESD
Session Organizer: Kevin Reynolds (CNS); Dustin Miller (Chase Env)
Session Chair: Kevin Reynolds (CNS)
Session Alt Chair: Dustin Miller (Chase Env)
Summary: There is an urgent need to rejuvenate and build the infrastructure, facilities, and skilled associated scientific staff involved in the research, testing, development, and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies. Maintaining this national testbed is critical to support vibrant commercial nuclear businesses. This panel will include speakers from Government and Private industry to speak to efforts ongoing in the United States that are attempting to address rejuvenation of infrastructure and facilities in the nuclear industry.
Session Title: âData, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety-Iâ
Session Type: Contributed Papers
Time Slot: Mon PM2 (3:55-5:40, 4 papers)
Session Organizer: Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Session Chair: Mac Cook (SNL)
Session Alt Chair: TBD
Summary: The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for timely presentation of general issues in the area of nuclear criticality safety that are not covered in other special session topics.
Session Title: âCredible Accident Sequences in NCSâ
Session Type: Panel
Time Slot: Tues AM (10:15-12:00)
Session Organizer: Lon Paulson (GE HNE)
Session Chair: Tom Mclaughlin (LANL, retd)
Session Alt Chair: Lon Paulson (GE HNE)
Summary: The purpose of this panel session is to provide practical examples of the determination of âcredibleâ nuclear criticality accident sequences with fissionable materials in operations outside reactors. Panel to include NRC licensees, DOE facilities, or international fissionable material operations perspectives. A revisit of what constitutes a âcredibleâ criticality accident sequence under current regulatory framework can improve facility operations, eliminate unnecessary controls, and permit focused attention on those that remain. Panelists should present and emphasize what constitutes a âcredibleâ abnormal condition leading to a postulated nuclear criticality accident sequence or alternatively, present what constitutes a ânot credibleâ determination for a postulated criticality accident sequence. Practical applications may include existing fissionable material operations, storage, natural phenomena hazards (NPH), facilities undergoing decommissioning, new facilities under design and construction, CAAS system needs evaluation, or other. Credibility comes down to a shared belief between the analyst, the operator, and perhaps the regulator that there are enough barriers to assure ourselves that the credible [believable] scenarios have been prevented and enough controls and barriers are in place such that we render the sequence âhighly unlikelyâ.
Session Title: âReal World Applications of Sensitivity/ Uncertaintyâ
Session Type: Contributed Papers
Time Slot: Tues PM (1:30-3:40, 4 papers)
Session Organizer: Jennifer Alwin (LANL), Natasha Glazener (LANL)
Session Chair: Jennifer Alwin (LANL)
Session Alt Chair: Natasha Glazener (LANL)
Summary: As sensitivity/uncertainty codes gain wider dissemination throughout the nuclear industry, they are being applied to an ever increasing scope of problems. These new applications provide an opportunity to explore novel facets of these codes, may provide unique insight to answer technical criticality safety questions and generate interesting lessons learned.
Session Title: âANS-8 Standards Forumâ
Session Type: Discussion
Time Slot: Wed AM (8:00-10:00); as Committee Meeting
Session Organizer: Douglas Bowen (ORNL)
Session Chair: Douglas Bowen (ORNL)
Session Alt Chair: Larry Wetzel (BWXT)
Summary: Subcommittee ANS-8, Operations with Fissile Material Outside Reactors, meets to discuss various technical and administrative aspects of the approximately 20 national consensus standards under its purview. In addition to status and progress updates by representatives of individual working groups, formal presentations on the technical bases of numerical values such as subcritical limits and experiences with applications of particular standards are solicited. Agenda topics such as new and expanded standards are also encouraged.
Session Title: âOperational Reviews: How Facilities Meet ANSI/ ANS-8.1 Section 4.1.6â
Session Type: Panel
Time Slot: Wed AM (10:15-12:00)
Session Organizer: Kristin Wessels (CNS)
Session Chair: Kristin Wessels (CNS)
Session Alt Chair: Amber McCarthy (CNS)
Summary: This session addresses the different methods facilities use to perform their annual review of fissile operations required by ANSI/ANS-8.1 Section 4.1.6. Speakers will discuss topics including (but not limited to) which personnel participate in the operational reviews, the methods used to document the reviews, and how it is ensured that process drift is not occurring. Lessons learned and good practices associated with operational reviews will be discussed.
Session Title: âData, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety-IIâ
Session Type: Contributed Papers
Time Slot: Wed PM (3:55-6:05, 4 paper)
Session Organizer: Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Session Chair: Hailey Green (CNS)
Session Alt Chair: TBD
Summary: The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for timely presentation of general issues in the area of nuclear criticality safety that are not covered in other special session topics.
Session Title: âSharing of Good Industry Practices and/or Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safetyâ
Session Type: Panel
Time Slot: Thurs AM1 (8:00-10:10)
Session Organizer: Deborah Hill (UK National Nuclear Labs)
Session Chair: Deborah Hill (UK National Nuclear Labs)
Session Alt Chair: John Miller (SNL)
Summary: Fundamental to the successful operation of any nuclear site is a first class safety culture which strives to continually improve in response to good industry practices and operating experience feedback. Speakers will provide examples of either lessons learned and / or specific good practices in their areas, following which an audience discussion will be initiated on alternative good practices and related experiences.
Session Title: âData, Analysis and Operations in Nuclear Criticality Safety-IIIâ
Session Type: Contributed Papers
Time Slot: Thurs AM2 (10:25-12:10, 4 papers)
Session Organizer: Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Session Chair: Ethan Reisker (SRS)
Session Alt Chair: TBD
Summary: The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for timely presentation of general issues in the area of nuclear criticality safety that are not covered in other special session topics.
Meeting Minutes
Last modified February 7, 2025, 4:06pm CST